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HomeAmazon Seller Repay AccountHow to rank your products higher on Amazon by 2023?

How to rank your products higher on Amazon by 2023?

A high ranking for your product on Amazon is a compelling opportunity to increase sales since more potential customers will be able to find your products by searching on the website. To rank well on Amazon, sellers need to know how Amazon’s search algorithm (called A9) operates, it’s more common to Google SEO, we also do an Amazon SEO to rank products higher.

Amazon Search Ranking Algorithm: Understanding How It Works

If you’re a seller on Amazon, you’re probably aware of how important it is to have your products appear at the top of search results. But how does Amazon determine which products to display first? That’s where the Amazon search ranking algorithm comes in.

The Amazon search ranking algorithm, also known as the A9 algorithm, determines the order in which products appear in search results. It takes into account a wide variety of factors, including:

  1. Relevance: How closely the product matches the user’s search query.
  2. Performance: How well the product has sold in the past.
  3. Availability: Whether the product is currently in stock.
  4. Price: The price of the product compared to similar products.

Of course, these are just a few of the many factors that Amazon considers when determining search rankings. The exact algorithm is a closely guarded secret, and Amazon is constantly tweaking and refining it to provide its customers with the best possible search results.

Amazon Product Ranking Algorithm: A Deep Dive

While the search ranking algorithm is responsible for determining the order in which products appear in search results, the product ranking algorithm (also known as the A10 algorithm) determines which products appear on the first page of search results.

Like the search ranking algorithm, the product ranking algorithm takes into account a wide variety of factors, including:

  1. Sales velocity: How quickly a product is selling.
  2. Conversion rate: The percentage of people who buy the product after clicking on it.
  3. Customer satisfaction: The rating and reviews of the product.
  4. Advertising: Whether the seller is running advertising campaigns on Amazon.

Again, these are just a few of the many factors that Amazon considers when determining product rankings. The exact algorithm is a closely guarded secret, and Amazon is constantly tweaking and refining it to provide its customers with the best possible search results.

How to Rank Your Product on Amazon

How can you increase your chances of ranking your product on Amazon? Here are a few tips:

  1. Optimize your product listings: Make sure your product title, description, and keywords are all optimized for search engines.
  2. Encourage customer reviews: Positive reviews can help boost your product’s ranking.
  3. Use Amazon Advertising: Running ads on Amazon can help increase the visibility of your products.
  4. Offer competitive pricing: Price your products to make them more attractive to buyers.
  5. Focus on customer satisfaction: Happy customers are likelier to leave positive reviews, which can help boost your ranking.

Keep in mind that ranking on Amazon takes time and effort. It will not happen overnight, but by following these tips and staying on top of Amazon’s algorithm updates, you can improve your chances of success on the platform.

Ranking higher on Amazon can be a crucial factor in increasing the visibility and sales of your products. Here are some tips to help you improve your product ranking on Amazon:

  1. Optimize your product listing: The first step to rank higher on Amazon is to optimize your product listing. Make sure that your product title, description, and bullet points include relevant keywords that buyers are likely to search for. Use high-quality images and videos to showcase your product.
  2. Get more reviews: Reviews are an important factor in Amazon’s ranking algorithm. Encourage customers to leave reviews by following up with them after their purchase and offering incentives such as discounts or free products.
  3. Improve your seller rating: Amazon also takes into account your seller rating when ranking products. Make sure that you provide excellent customer service, fulfill orders on time, and resolve any issues promptly.
  4. Increase sales velocity: The rate at which your product sells also affects its ranking. Offer promotions or discounts to boost sales and increase your product’s visibility.
  5. Use Amazon Advertising: Consider using Amazon Advertising to promote your products. You can use sponsored product ads, sponsored brand ads, and sponsored display ads to increase visibility and sales.
  6. Keep your inventory up-to-date: Finally, make sure that your inventory is up-to-date to avoid out-of-stock situations, which can negatively impact your product’s ranking.

By following these tips, you can improve your product’s ranking on Amazon and increase your sales and visibility on the platform.

Amazon Rank Booster – There are many ways around getting a higher rank on Amazon.

An Amazon rank strategy in 2023 must focus on sustainable, long-term strategies that don’t cut corners and align with the ideals Amazon seeks to achieve.

It will take several trials and errors to determine the best way to use your products. The Amazon SEO algorithm will consider the list of 25 elements that affect conversion, relevancy, and customer service when evaluating your product.

To rank your products higher on Amazon follow these points:

1. Sales rank

The sales rank (also called”the Amazon Best Sellers Rank) is among the top ranking factors. Higher rankings = more sales, and higher rankings mean more sales!

2. Customer reviews

The number of reviews on products you read and the level of the studies are crucial ranking factors.

3. Answered questions

Answered questions are displayed on the page. They play a crucial role in converting.

4. Image quality and size

Sellers should adhere to Amazon’s guidelines on images to ensure that their listings aren’t censored. With high-quality photos of a minimum of 1000 x 1,000 pixels, you can enable the zoom feature, which lets buyers see the products in greater depth.

5. Price

In addition to being among the most significant Buy Box factors, the cost of your product significantly affects the conversion rate and sales. Find out the more you can regarding Amazon Buy Box eligibility.

6. Products for children of parents

With Amazon’s parent-child product feature, you’ll be able to guide customers to one page for the product. This can help you increase your reviews from customers. Find out more about the relationship between parents and children.

7. Time on page, bounce rate

The time that a buyer spends on your listing will indicate to Amazon the level of interest customers have interested in your product.

8. Product listing completeness

The more comprehensive you’re listing for your product is, the more valuable. Be sure to fill out every field on the setup page of your listing.

9. Title

An excellent product title will boost the rate of conversion. To maximize your Amazon product’s label, it must include keywords, be simple to read and be less than 200 characters.

Amazon Rank Booster

10. Product description

Utilize the product description to explain your products’ highlights and include your keywords. It’s worth investing the time to ensure you have it right because a well-written product description can increase your customers’ engagement and conversion rates.

A product description that isn’t in good shape could result in you losing sales (to competitors) or lead to negative feedback from buyers. Find out how you can remove negative feedback from Amazon.

11. Part number and brand of manufacturer

If you can, always include the brand’s name in the title. This will allow buyers looking for your brand name to locate your items.

12. Specifications

This is the section where you’ll need to provide the physical and technical information about your product, such as dimensions, shipping weight, colour, etc. By completing this section, you show Amazon that you’re a diligent seller when it comes to listing.

13. Sub-categories and categories

When creating your product’s page, Make sure that you select the most appropriate area for your item.

14. Search terms

Amazon offers five fields with a limit of characters to define the terms you wish to incorporate into your item. The Keyword Planner from Google. Keyword Planner to help you.

Below are some of Amazon’s most effective practices in providing keywords.

Do not provide false, inaccurate or misleading information. Don’t provide inaccurate, misleading, or irrelevant.

Don’t make your Content too long. Be mindful of the limitations in place for different disciplines.

Don’t give unnecessary information that has already been recorded in other fields, such as author, title bullet points, product description and brand names.

When entering a few words in a search, make sure to put your search terms in the most rational order.

15. Use one line to distinguish keywords

There are no commas, semicolons, or carets are needed.

Don’t use claims that are only temporary, e.g., “new,” “on sale,” or “available today”.

Do not include subjective claims like “awesome”, good quality, etc.

Do not include misspellings that are common to the name of the product.

Don’t offer variations of capitalization, punctuation, spacing and pluralisation.

Do not include words that are offensive or abusive.

Abbreviations, alternate names, topics (for books etc.) and critical characters (for films, books etc.) can be used as keywords.

16. Negative feedback from sellers

Every negative feedback count against you in the same way as search results for products. Your feedback score is an essential aspect of the Buy Box chances.

17. Processing speed of orders

For success in your business on Amazon to be successful on Amazon, you must deliver quickly and efficiently. Additionally, you will rank higher for effective order processing.

18. In-stock price

Poor inventory management could lead to popular products being out of stock. Amazon favours sellers maintaining an in-stock ratio high to reduce refunds and pre-fulfilment cancellations.

19. The Perfect Order Percentage (POP)

Sellers with the highest percentage of flawless orders will be ranked higher than sellers with issues with rankings. Find out the basics of POP.

20. Order Defect Rate (ODR)

If a client claims against an order, it is considered to be a defect in the order. These include negative feedback from buyers and A-to-Z Guarantee claims, delivery issues and chargebacks. Take note that if the review is removed later by the purchaser, it won’t be counted as a deficiency against the ODR. Therefore, it’s worth trying to fix any issues that may arise. Look at this article for tips on reducing the rate of defects in your orders.

21. Exit rate

The rate you exit is the number of times a buyer visits your listing before leaving Amazon. Products with a lower exit rate will be more popular and convert better.

22. Improve your product listing

Optimizing listings is a continuous process that helps you improve your rankings and conversions. It is essential to enhance your listings to be optimized to ensure Amazon SEO as well as for your clients. Some aspects to consider when optimizing your listings for the highest conversions.

High-quality images typically have high conversion rates. Additionally, you can add infographics that explain the functions or uses associated with the products.

Make sure you adhere to Amazon guidelines when you upload videos and images.

Include relevant keywords in the title of your product, as well as its advantages and possible variations.

Bullet points are to be listed in order of their importance.

Use backend keywords effectively. Don’t repeat the keywords you’ve used in the listing.

A well-designed listing of your product is crucial to get higher rankings on Amazon. Be sure to have the perfect combination of keywords (targeting as numerous as you can), keyword priority (prioritizing the most valuable keywords), and sales-oriented copy. Images of high quality are crucial to maximizing conversion rates and sales.

23. EBC or A+ Content Manager

Amazon EBC (Enhanced Brand Content), commonly referred to as+ Content, can be a powerful method to attract new customers. A+ Content offers an exceptional customer experience and brand and improves your brand’s reputation. Thus, products with A+ Content are likely to be more successful in converting customers, with higher reviews and lower return rates.

Content is king. Make every opportunity to produce additional Content on your product, including videos. This type of Content can increase conversions by giving potential buyers more details about your product. It will also increase the number of time customers spend on your site and is a positive ranking signal that you can give to Amazon.

24. Referral Traffic

Listing optimization is the initial step towards ranking well on Amazon. However, your competitors are optimizing their listings as well. You must be ahead of your competitors in order to boost sales. This is why the outside market is the best option.

Indeed, it’s easier to say than do. However, once you’ve learned the formula, it can add significant value to your company. What are the best ways to go about this?

Find the customers you want to reach. Know where they are and determine what type of Content they are consuming.

Send traffic to the landing page, not the product listing page. Why?

Most of the time, consumers do not buy, particularly in the case of driving traffic from Facebook, Google, and Instagram ads. Thus, it would help if you directed them to a landing site on Amazon. If you require them to a product’s page for listing, the odds are good that the person does not buy your product and your conversion rates drop.

Make time and effort into testing and building your audience using tools such as Amazon Attribution to get complete information on how your marketing campaigns are performing.

When you drive them to a landing site, you will collect essential data such as clicks and sources and use that information to improve your listing further. This is a must to increase your reach beyond Amazon by 2022.

25. Positive reviews are a good thing

Reviews on the internet are regarded as personal opinions. It is also evident that there’s a clear connection between favourable reviews about the product or service and Amazon result pages. The highly ranked products in a broad search term generally have more favourable reviews compared to the less popular ones listed.

The algorithm used by Amazon’s Product Search Algorithm (A9)

The algorithm used by Amazon’s search engine is distinct from that of Google. When a user searches for a particular item on Amazon, the results are displayed via a two-step procedure. First, they gather relevant results from their catalogue and then rank them based on relevancy.

Amazon is determined to maximize profits per customer. They constantly review their algorithm “using human judgements, computer analysis of key business metrics, and metrics for performance”.

The Core Pillars of the A9 Algorithm

Amazon has three ranking factors that are equally important:

Conversion rate – Amazon has discovered factors influencing conversion rates, including images, reviews, and price. To maintain a favourable Amazon conversion rate, sellers must ensure that their prices remain reasonable. This is only one way that repricing software can benefit you with your Amazon business.

Relevancy: Aspects that inform A9 whether to take your website’s page as the search results. To be ranked higher, your page must be relevant.

Retention and satisfaction of customers – Factors that help retain customers, such as Amazon seller feedback and order defects (ODR). If you can satisfy customers, they’ll continue coming to you. The more positive feedback from sellers and positive reviews you receive, the higher the likelihood that you’ll get the sale.

Secret Strategies to Get Higher Ranks on Amazon

1. Study your competitors and look at their product offerings

Before launching your company, the first thing you need to undertake is to analyze competitors. This allows you to determine and analyze the advantages and disadvantages. You can then use the information gathered to evaluate your products and services and identify areas for improvement.

To help simplify this process, it is possible to use online tools such as Crunchbase and SEMrush.

These online tools can assist you in identifying potential competitors, identifying the keywords they employ to advertise their products and evaluating how they market. Additionally, you can gather information about your rivals via their social media channels and customer feedback.

2. Include keywords necessary for the product title and bullets and descriptions in the backend.

Amazon employs the A10 algorithm, which analyses enormous amounts of data and uses a variety of variables to rank listings of products on the search results page (SERP). These include the product’s title and descriptions, bullets, and backend keywords.

To include these keywords, confirm that you’ve completed thorough research on keywords to identify the keywords you need to include on your page. Then, it would help if you considered the keywords you’ve discovered from your research on competition. Finally, integrate every keyword smoothly and strategically to avoid repetition and grammatical mistakes. By doing this, your product to be seen by Amazon’s two billion+ site users.

3. Discounts or free shipping

In addition to speedy shipping, customers will more often buy items from retailers that offer free shipping and special discounts. If they don’t, they’ll either quit shopping or search for retailers that offer free shipping benefits. It is recommended to provide free shipping to your clients. You can offer discounts if this isn’t feasible due to budget constraints.

4. Make an affiliate link directly to a product on to rank higher on Amazon

The joining of the Amazon Associates Affiliate program permits users to advertise and market Amazon items on their blogs or websites. Amazon offers a range of promotional tools that help associates sell their products, such as contextual affiliate links for products which automatically match advertisements to Content on websites. Affiliates can directly link to specific items on Amazon using the website’s tool for searching for products and cutting and pasting the item’s affiliate code.

Getting your product’s listing to appear on the Amazon SERP’s first page could be lengthy and meticulous planning. To do this, you should conduct competitive research and improve your listings with keywords without needing keyword stuffing or uploading quality images and videos. Also, ensure to price your products reasonably, have them shipped quickly and give top-quality customer service. It will also be helpful to ask for reviews, address any negative thoughts with respect, offer free shipping and other benefits, and make the most of Amazon’s services, including Amazon advertisements and FBA. These strategies will help you increase your rank, make more sales, and become successful being an Amazon seller.

An in-depth guide on what Amazon SEO works and what you should do to increase your products rankings and be on the first page of Amazon results for searches or Rank your product on Amazon.

Of course, to maximize your listing, you should be free of the routine tasks of running an online business that could take up your time.

Amazon Ranking Booster – FAQs

How do you increase your Amazon ranking?

  • Amazon Sales Rank: 5 Tips to Boost Your Score:
  • Optimize your product title and description.
  • Offer competitive prices.
  • Use high-quality images.
  • Provide Amazon links on your social media.
  • Join Amazon’s fulfillment service and offer on Amazon Prime.

How does Amazon determine product ranking?

In order to find the Amazon product ranking for a given product, first go to any Amazon product page. Once you are on the product page, scroll down to the ‘Product Information’ section. On the bottom of the chart, you will see ‘Best Sellers Rank’ on the left hand side of the chart.

How do you get your product to rank on the first page of Amazon?

Include necessary keywords in the product title, bullets, descriptions, and backend keywords. Amazon uses the A10 algorithm, which analyzes an immense amount of data and considers various factors to rank product listings on the search engine results page (SERP).

How often do Amazon rankings update?
The Amazon Best Sellers calculation is based on Amazon sales, and is updated hourly to reflect recent and historical sales of every item sold on Amazon.

What are the top 3 ranking factors?
In no particular order, the top factors for ranking on Google are: High-quality content. Mobile-first. Page Experience.

What is the formula for Amazon ranking?
=RANK(number,ref,[order]). The RANK function uses the following arguments: Number (required argument) – This is the value for which we need to find the rank. Ref (required argument) – Can be a list of, or an array of, or reference to, numbers.

How is ranking determined?
In statistics, ranking is the data transformation in which numerical or ordinal values are replaced by their rank when the data are sorted.

What are ranking algorithms?
A ranking algorithm is a procedure that ranks items in a dataset according to some criterion. Ranking algorithms are used in many different applications, such as web search, recommender systems, and machine learning.

  • How do you increase your rating?
  • 10 ways to increase and improve your customer reviews
  • Put your reviews front and center.
  • Get on the same sites as your customers.
  • Follow up with buyers.
  • Ask the right questions.
  • Contact those who leave you glowing reviews.
  • Contact those who leave you negative reviews.
  • Run a contest.
  • Reward those who review.



  1. how to rank your products higher on Amazon
    Enhance with your Products copywriting. Making small changes to your product descriptions, write USPs, can have a huge impact on the amount of shoppers you convert to customers and subsequently increase your sales on Amazon.

  2. List your products in the right categories to rank on Amazon:
    Finding the right categories to list your products is right action. Sellers face this problem constantly if they re new. Understanding which category to list can be complex, so do your research while adding the product. You need to specify the right top-level and most relevant category.

  3. Best Hacks on How to Rank Higher on Amazon
    Listing optimization – Don’ts
    Don’t stuff keywords
    Don’t use punctuation
    Don’t use misspellings

    Earn positive reviews
    Price competitively

  4. Here are some Amazon’s best practices for providing keywords.
    Don’t provide inaccurate, misleading, or irrelevant information and same stuff.
    Don’t provide excessively long content keep mind limits that are set for different fields.
    Don’t provide redundant information that is already captured in other fields such as title, author, features, product description, specification, bullet points, brand, etc.
    When entering several words as a search term, put them in the best order.

  5. Amazon’s A9 algorithm mainly focus on these
    Don’t stuff keywords
    Don’t use punctuation
    Earn positive reviews
    Price competitively

  6. Optimize your product listings to rank higher on Amazon
    Use High-quality images because they have a high conversion rate. Also, add infographics depicting the usage or features of the product.
    Make sure you follow all the Amazon guidelines while adding images and videos.
    Add relevant keywords in your product title along with its benefits, descriptions and variations.
    List the USP & features in bullet points in the order of their priority.
    Do not repeat the same stuff ones that you’ve used in the listing.

  7. Amazon’s A9 algorithm mainly looks at customer behavior, which is reflected from the two parameters, Intent and Purchases. So you need to keep these factors in mind while optimizing for your customer. It will help you rank higher your products.

  8. Amazon Product Ranking Factors, Amazon’s A9 algorithm considers when ranking your product.
    It mainly focus on Customer reviews and the number of product reviews you receive and the quality of these reviews are important ranking factors. Apart from these how relevant your title and descriptions are.

  9. Ranking on Amazon is difficult but if you read this Amazon SEO article, it will help.
    Well said on Amazon’s a9 and A10 algorithms. Know how to rank your products higher on Amazon.

  10. Focus on Image size and quality
    Sellers should follow Amazon’s A9 algorithms image guidelines to ensure their listings are not suppressed. By using high-quality images of a minimum of 1,000 x 1,000 px you can enable the zoom feature which allows buyers to see your products in more detail which interact more to buyers.

  11. 3 more Tips to Improve Your Amazon Product Ranking

    1. Perfect your product title with right keywords.

    2. Optimize your product description and image alt tag.

    3. You can improve your Amazon Best Seller Rank by driving more traffic and sales to your product page.

  12. Search terms are one of the main important factor to rank on Amazon
    Amazon you 5 fields with a character limit to specify the search terms that you want to be associated with your product. You can use Google’s Keyword Planner & Amazon keywords planner to help you find best keywords what people are looking for.

  13. Amazon Product Rank is the ranking position of your product in the organic Amazon search results inside your app or desktop app. It is determined by Amazon’s A9 & A10 product search algorithm, which is much different than Google’s & Bing Algorithm.

  14. A higher ranking on Amazon product ranking for particular keywords means more prospective buyers visiting your listing AND more sales! Read it more!

  15. Amazon SEO means optimizing your Amazon product as per a9 and a10 algorithms which helps you to rank higher your products on Amazon. Must follow all the SEO guidelines.

  16. To rank products on Amazon follow a10 algorithms rules and regulation and see the how your products rank higher than your competitors.


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